Duly Noted

1. As of this morning, I’m officially a board member of the Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce. (Hi Dani! See you there! Let’s do lunch! Call me!)

2. My Salon of Shame debut is next Tues., Dec. 2, 8pm. (Yay!) I’ll be reading from my super-secret 1978 summer camp diary, sharing insights into important things to pack (Body On Tap), notes on puberty (I had a few things in common with my bunkmate, Hillary), and tales of beating boys at arm-wrestling (“the little weaklings!”), all accompanied by drawings via their spankin’ new digital projector. As always, tickets are already sold out, but wait in the stand-by line and you’ll probably make it in.

3. Extra-curricular teaching activities: I’ve done a few comics workshops for teens recently, three for the Seattle Art Museum and one for the Seattle Girls School. I’ll also be teaching workshops for fifth-graders at Lakeside School next week, as I’ve done for the past four years. (Other teaching news: I just applied for and received funding from Cornish to attend the AWP Conference in February. I’m going to escape the dreary Seattle winter for a long weekend in… Chicago??)

Amy tries to make sense of my thumbnail sketches, and Angela checks out Erin’s drawings of Janet Jackson. (Teen Advisory Group at the Seattle Art Museum)