I Love My Neighborhood

I am excited to announce that after serving on the board for one and a half years, I have been elected Vice President of the Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce. Many thanks to the Board Directors for this honor and vote of confidence! I will do my very best.

I would like to add that the grossest thing I found on the CHCC’s Capitol Hill Street Sweep this past Saturday was in a smelly, trashy door alcove: one of those plastic dental floss picks. Otherwise, the weather was gorgeous, the company spirited, the coffee delicious, and to my surprise it was honestly really fun! The next one is in the fall, and I will hound you all to come.

My Graphic Novel!

Having spent another morning writing and thumbnailing, I figure it’s time to announce: I sold my book to Gotham/Penguin. Hooray! The storyline combines autobiography and studies about artistic creativity, and brilliant cartoonist Megan Kelso agreed to help comb over my roughs.

It’s been a long time in the works: two writing retreats, a reading at Richard Hugo House, lots of late nights at the tea house with my laptop. Now I have until August, 2011 to get it done. Sleeves rolled up, nose to the grindstone!

A deep curtsey to Lucia Watson, my editor at Gotham, and Holly Bemiss, my agent. Thank you!