Update to updates

I was the representative freelancer on a Career Panel for the Cornish Design seniors yesterday. Of course, all of us panelists insisted that a clear, up-to-date website is beyond essential. (Me, thinking, wincing: “Note to self: update website already.”) In the meantime, please enjoy the vintage animated gif on my home page, and you can check out these links for my more recent work:

My professional Facebook page has news, links, and upcoming events. Photos and information about my public art for the Sound Transit Capitol Hill Light Rail Station – one of my biggest professional projects to date – are here, and here’s an article about it by the art editor at the Stranger, plus a few pics below.


“Crossed Pinkies,” one of my two murals at the Capitol Hill light rail station, is 10′ high and 40′ wide. Find this at Broadway & John, a major intersection smack in the middle of Capitol Hill. It’s at ground level, so you can see it from the sidewalk, or even just driving by.


“Walking  Fingers” is 20′ high and 28′ wide. We’re setting up the lights next week, which should be the last step (except for its ultimate role: interacting with the public). The station is scheduled to open at the end of March, 2016.