Lust-y Interview on KUOW

Last week, I talked about matters of LUST in a radio interview with the brainy, adorable Jeannie Yandel (10 mins.). I call Lustlab “my dream assignment” (true enough).

Did I have too much coffee that day, or not enough? I really need to work on finishing my own sentences. And will any of the interviews I’ve done include my comment about how repressed sexual desires can be dangerous, viz. Republicans and priests in the news? Is that inflammatory? Seems pretty obvious to me.

Lustlab Ad of the Week: 12/20

I’ve had the theme song to “Three’s Company” going through my head for days. Serves me right, I guess.


“Lustlab Ad of the Week” is a comic adaptation of one of the week’s kinky personal ads in Seattle alt-weekly The Stranger, and I post them here every Wednesday. See it on their site here. And watch for LUST, the “Lustlab Ad of the Week” book collection (Fantagraphics Books) in January 2008!

Lustlab Ad of the Week: 12/6

Two common references in the Lustlab ads are: actress Angelina Jolie, and movie “Secretary.” Almost everyone wants to be one of the two main characters in Secretary.


“Lustlab Ad of the Week” is a comic adaptation of one of the week’s kinky personal ads in Seattle alt-weekly The Stranger, and I post them here every Wednesday. See it on their site here. And watch for LUST, the “Lustlab Ad of the Week” book collection (Fantagraphics Books) in January 2008!

Lustlab Ad of the Week: 11/29

Can you believe it’s the end of November already? But, we all say that at the end of every month, don’t we.


“Lustlab Ad of the Week” is a comic adaptation of one of the week’s kinky personal ads in Seattle alt-weekly The Stranger, and I post them here every Wednesday. See it on their site here. And watch for LUST, the “Lustlab Ad of the Week” book collection (Fantagraphics Books) in January 2008!

LUST News! Very Exciting Advance Copies!!!

I just drove up to Fantagraphics and got a couple hot-off-the-press advance copies – yay!!! – and I have one in my paws AT THIS MOMENT (…and, that’s a Spongebob band-aid on my thumb).


And here it is, ON MY SHELF! There’s a gold foil on the spine, too. I love a good spine!


Also: included LUST in their 2007 Holiday Gift Guide. Er, it isn’t supposed to be in stores until January. But anyway!

Lustlab Ad of the Week: 11/22

“Pegging” = a woman with a strap-on dildo penetrating a guy in the ass, coined by the winner of a “what should we call this?” contest in Dan Savage’s sex advice column.

“Lustlab Ad of the Week” is a comic adaptation of one of the week’s kinky personal ads in Seattle alt-weekly The Stranger, and I post them here every Wednesday. See it on their site here. And watch for LUST, the “Lustlab Ad of the Week” book collection (Fantagraphics Books) in January 2008!