Lustlab Ad of the Week: 10/18

1. I love Google Images. 2. Exotic fruits can be really, really strange and suggestive!


“Lustlab Ad of the Week” is a comic adaptation of one of the week’s kinky personal ads in Seattle alt-weekly The Stranger, and I post them here every Wednesday. See it on their site here. And watch for LUST, the “Lustlab Ad of the Week” book collection (Fantagraphics Books) in January 2008!!

Diary: In PW, On NBA, At SPL

Rick Simonsen of Elliott Bay Books wrote a lovely blog entry for Publishers Weekly about the National Book Award nomination, and Sherman’s and my reading at the Seattle Public Library. He included this about me:

“This night Sherman has with him Seattle graphic novel creator Ellen Forney, herself a popular bright spark. Her sensitive drawings give visual texture to the story Alexie writes – which is the closest thing to true memoir he has yet written. I’m not sure if he had cartoonist aspirations as young Arnold/Junior does in The Absolutely True but it’s a nice part of the story, which Forney’s work fleshes out with empathy and wit. Part of the evening is the two of them doing a power-point stroll through parts of the book.”

What can I do? Most of my work is for adults.

I decided long ago not to have a pseudonym to distinguish my work for kids from my work for adults. No separate websites, no separate business cards. And no separate blogs, which is actually starting to feel a little weird. Is it weird? I just figure people can sort it out for themselves.

Last Gasp’s Best Erotic Comics 2008 will be out next month. It includes two of my comics, plus I did the cover.


Diary News

Sherman and I did a reading together at the Seattle Public Library this past Thursday, and it went GREAT. Lots of people (700-ish)… laughter (of course)… tears (literally!). I didn’t tell Sherman what I’d put together for the PowerPoint presentation, so our repartee was not ONLY witty, but spontaneous, which went over well. As always, I forgot to plant a camera in the audience, so I’m trying to track down some photos.

I’ll be joining Sherman again at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park on October 30, 7:00pm.

Big news!!: Diary was nominated for a National Book Award!!!! Jen Hunt, our editor at Little, Brown, sent me a huge bouquet of roses.


Lustlab Ad of the Week: 10/4

I still have a hard time drawing cars, but at least I enjoy it now. Especially cars from the ’60’s!


“Lustlab Ad of the Week” is a comic adaptation of one of the week’s kinky personal ads in Seattle alt-weekly The Stranger, and I post them here every Wednesday. See it on their site here. LUST, the “Lustlab Ad of the Week” book collection, is scheduled to be released with Fantagraphics Books in January 2008.

Absolutely True Things Considered

Jami Attenberg wrote a wonderful little article for the current issue of PRINT, a fancy-pants design magazine, focusing on my Absolutely True Diary comics and artwork.



My mom got several emails from her friends today because I was mentioned in this review of Absolutely True Diary on All Things Considered. Mom also pointed out that you can see my name on the book’s cover on an ad in the current New Yorker (page 98), which is actually pretty cool.

Lustlab Ad of the Week: 9/27

LUST, the “Lustlab Ad of the Week” collection, is going to the printer on Friday. SOoooo exciting!!!


“Lustlab Ad of the Week” is a comic adaptation of one of the week’s kinky personal ads in Seattle alt-weekly The Stranger, and I post them here every Wednesday. See it on their site here. LUST, the “Lustlab Ad of the Week” book collection, is scheduled to be released with Fantagraphics Books in January 2008.

Absolutely True in Chicago


A new review in the Chicago Sun-Times suggests that I “channel” Junior – which is EXACTLY what I was trying to do:

“Junior is an aspiring artist — vividly channeled by Ellen Forney — and his scribblings provide another layer of understanding and levity to the story. The drawing of American-Indian wannabe Ted (“I’m not Indian … but I feel Indian in my bones”) should give anyone with a Pendleton jacket pause.”

Also, it looks like I may be joining Sherman for his Seattle readings on October 11 at the Central Public Library and October 30 in Lake Forest Parkway (where is that??). News on that when it comes.