This week’s Austin Chronicle includes a review of I Love Led Zeppelin (and the latest graphic novel from one of my absolute favorite cartoonists, Gilbert Hernandez). My book is: “uniformly boisterous”, “dork-positive”, and “manna for the sexually adventurous, post-feminist free spirit.” Cool! Thanks, guys!
Author: ellen
COMICS ROCK! Come, you – it’ll be a good time!
Ellen Forney and Peter Bagge
Saturday, December 16 at 6pm
Please join us at the new Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery this Saturday for a special evening with the illustrious, entertaining cartoonists Peter Bagge and Ellen Forney. Ellen will be restaging her back-by-popular-demand multimedia performance based on the stories from her recent I Love Led Zeppelin collection, and Bagge will screen rarely seen animated shorts interspersed with tales of the glory days of grunge, which inspired the stories in Buddy Does Seattle. Also an excellent occasion to buy comics and art books as holiday presents!
Make this the first destination of your rollicking Saturday night!
Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery
1201 S. Vale St. in Georgetown
(Airport Way S. at S. Vale St., half a block north of the 9-Pound Hammer)
Lustlab Ad of the Week: 12/14
I had everyone-but-everyone researching “smurf” as a slang term, to no avail. (Best definition I could find: all-purpose curse, like “fuck”: “That smurf smurfin’ smurfed her!”) But anyway this chick used it, and it appears here and there on message boards, so I figured I’d go with it.
“Lustlab Ad of the Week” is a comic adaptation of one of the week’s kinky personal ads in Seattle alt-weekly The Stranger, and I post them here every Wednesday. See it on their site here. The “Lustlab Ad of the Week” book collection is scheduled to be released with Fantagraphics in early 2008.
Lustlab Ad of the Week: 12/7
A little product placement here. Love me some Fluevog boots!
“Lustlab Ad of the Week” is a comic adaptation of one of the week’s kinky personal ads in Seattle alt-weekly The Stranger, and I post them here every Wednesday. See it on their site here. The “Lustlab Ad of the Week” book collection is scheduled to be released with Fantagraphics in early 2008.
Inkstud? Moi?
December’s DiSCORDER Magazine has a round-up of five “great comics released this year” (“Inkstuds Year in Review”) and I Love Led Zeppelin made the cut. It’s a “romp” and “fabulous compendium”!
Lustlab Ad of the Week: 11/30
I looked at lots of veiled hats with crazy feather arrangements for this one and now I want a veiled hat with a crazy feather arrangement.
Bring Fabulous to Me
National gay magazine Pink has a very nice I Love Led Zeppelin review in their fall issue. One Pink headline cracks me up: “Megan Mullally Brings Fabulous to Daytime!” I love that. I want to bring fabulous to things. I bring fabulous to breakfast time! I bring fabulous to car repair!
The review totally wins for best opening line:
“Gay guys be warned: The explicit vaginal imagery in I Love Led Zeppelin may send you running limp-wristed and screaming to the bookstore’s m4m section before you can say, ‘Oh my stars!'”
“Goofy and elegant”
Lustlab Ad of the Week: 11/23
I bought an awesome book on the art of Ed “Big Daddy” Roth for this one. Really, how else to come up with a good nasty chopper?
(Yes yes, the ads are are real, people keep asking me if they’re real. You can look them up yourself in the personals section of The Stranger if you’re over 18.)
The first word I ever searched, in 1997, was “bionics”.
Much as I love the web, I also hate the web. I got completely sidetracked today while I was searching for Gertrude Stein references and happened upon… fembots! How did this happen? But get this, I discovered there was a Fembot ACTION DOLL!!, and now I totally want one BAD.
When I was a kid I was a huge Bionic Woman fan. Huge. This comic ran in Tower Records’ Pulse Magazine, and a revised version is in Monkey Food: