Summer Comics Classes at Cornish

This summer, I’ll be teaching comics at the (new! improved!) Summer at Cornish program – one class for adults and two classes for teens (age 13 – 18). I’ve taught the teen class for the past 6 years, and I’ve found that kids who actually seek school in the summer really want to be there, so it’s fun and everyone works hard. The adult classes are new this summer, and I really like teaching adults, so I’m looking forward to seeing how that goes.

Graphic Novels (adult class)
Comics and graphic novels are quickly becoming recognized as an important new literary form. But reading and appreciating a graphic novel is different from reading an all-text novel, and creating a comic is different from just writing or illustrating a story. How do we read or create a work where words and art are inextricably linked? In this course, students will read and discuss selected graphic novels, and use them as the basis for exploring studio skills in writing and drawing.

July 6 – August 13
Mondays 5:30pm – 8:30pm
Sign up here!

Comics Studio (teen class)
Create your own comics! Students will learn basic skills including cartoon drawing, storytelling, drafting, lettering, and page design. At the conclusion of the course, students will make a mini-comic book containing all the comics created in class. No previous experience necessary!

Session I
July 6 – 23 (Final Exhibition on Friday, July 23)
M/W 9:00am – 12:00pm
Sign up here!

Session II
July 26 – August 13 (Final Exhibition on Friday, August 13)
M/W 9:00am – 12:00pm
Sign up here!

I will also add that Jake will be teaching Animation Essentials (for teens) in Session I.

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