Much Ado To Do

Lots to report but I’ll keep it brief!

ART SHOW: Tomorrow, Sat., 2/11: Funny Valentines Art Show at Fantagraphics Bookstore in Georgetown, 6-9pm. It’s a group show featuring work by Jack Davis and a couple dozen other artists and cartoonists including me, Art Chantry, Jim Woodring, Peter Bagge, and more.

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE: I’m honored to have been invited to be a Master Artist-In-Residence at the Atlantic Center for the Arts in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, Oct. 8-28. Come study comics with me for a few weeks at a beautiful arts facility a few minutes from the beach! Apply here.

ART FESTIVAL JUROR: I am one of five jurors for the Seattle Erotic Art Festival, June 16-24 (along with Dan Savage and Mistress Matisse). Submit art now! Early bird submissions before Feb. 15, submissions accepted until March 10. Here and here are some of my own pieces from previous years.

PANELIST: I’ll be at the Emerald City ComiCon, March 30 – April 1, on a panel organized by Fantagraphics, about Seattle’s role as the “city that gave birth and momentum to the alternative comix movement.” (Panel time and date TBA.)

And!! GRAPHIC NOVEL: I am at long last sending in my files for my graphic novel. Hooray! Hooray! This is unbelievably exciting for me. More excitement to come! The book is due out from Penguin in September.

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