Today was the last day of the semester at Cornish, which is always a weird day for me – it feels like the last day of summer camp. “Bye, troops, it was great to get to know you, keep in touch, okay?” – as the students all run out the door. Actually, they were very kind, and I even almost got a little misty when some of my advanced students told me how much they’d learned in class.
I always try to bring snacks to the last class, but I was running really late for the morning Advanced class (and running, literally, down the hill to school). I stopped in a convenience store near Cornish and jogged up and down the aisles trying to find some relatively healthy, breakfast-y snack. I gave up on both counts and grabbed a handful of Tootsie Pops. There were Moon Pies at the register so I threw one of those in, too, and to my left were Altoids, why not? Luckily, Sarah had it together to bring scones, so the party-snack breakfast was only half-ridiculous.

Here is my super-awesome Advanced Comics class:

Left to right: Vanessa, Connie, Sandra, Cooper, me, Sarah, John.
I’d like to give John Backstrom special mention because for his final project, he put together a hefty mini-comic, “Squirrrel Lad,” which is hilarious. (Other superheroes: Moustache Man, Grass Lass. Cracks me up.) He made a zillion copies to give out for Free Comic Book Day, which is apparently Saturday, who knew? John did, because he is a comics geek, and I mean that in the very best way. You can see “Squirrel Lad” for yourself here.

For their final project, the Intro class put together mini-comics of their work during the semester. Voila, them and theirs!

Clockwise from left: Jesse, Matthew, Razi, Harley, Bonnie, Jesse, Lee, Jared, Ashley, Chloe.