Fool, You Fool!

After class this evening Jessica, one of my students at Cornish College of the Arts, showed me her rough sketch for the next assignment, and asked if I wanted an Oreo. “No, thanks.” We talked about the character she’d drawn (“a tough exterior but she’s sweet, how might that play out?”) and she offered me an Oreo again. “No, no thanks.” Then soon a third time, “Are you sure you don’t want an Oreo?” Uh… no?

Turns out she’d filled the one she was offering with toothpaste. Happy April Fool’s Day! She said she’d done the same thing to classmate Luke, and he took a bite, but he then liked it and ate the whole thing.

I’m in an Art Show at Cornish

Four of my “Big Fuckin’ Hands” paintings will be in the main gallery at Cornish College of the Arts until next month. (Yes really!) All of them are for sale except the “ass grab” one.

The distinguished faculty of the Design department presents new work, offering a look into the diverse talent of the Cornish community. Full-color catalogue available.

March 17 – April 8
Opening Reception: March 17, 5-8pm
(Their openings usually have wine and catered food!)

Spreading the Love

I got a check yesterday from Fantagraphics Books, with “CZECH I [heart] LED ZEP” on it. I assumed it was a royalty check for Zeppelin, and called to ask about a check for Lust.

“Ha ha, ‘czech,’ check, very punny.”

“No, that’s for foreign rights. A Czech publisher bought the rights to publish it.”

“In Czech? Really???”

My first foreign edition! Hooray! Who knows how long that’ll sit in the pipeline – but still exciting. Here’s how “I Love Led Zeppelin: Panty-Dropping Comics by Ellen Forney” looks in Czech:

JÁ Amor Led Zeppelin : Punčochové kalhoty – Kapání Humoristický časopis do Ellen Forney

Ha! So Awesome!!

A guy just emailed me to tell me that he crashed his car, and he was listening to Led Zeppelin. Dude, that so rocks.

(Note: in my comic “The Final Soundtrack,” I fantasize about dying a slow and dramatic death next to the mangled remains of my ’68 Cougar, while “Dazed and Confused” still plays on the eerily-still-functioning radio.)

Thanks, Greg!! (And I’m glad you’re okay!)

The “F” Word

Shameless Magazine wrote a really nice review of my comic books yesterday, including Lust, I Love Led Zeppelin, and Monkey Food. The post writer, Tiina, likes that I work well with others:

Ellen Forney is a much-loved feminist cartoonist, whose work has appeared in all sorts of places including Bust magazine. She does amazing collaborative work with a diverse range of people, including writers, activists, chefs, potheads and even her grandma.

I like that she calls me a feminist – it’s arguably kind of a quaint term at this point, with a really fuzzy definition. Who knows what it means? I don’t specifically fight for Wimmyn’s Liberation but I grew up on “Stories for Free Children” (in Ms. Magazine – Mom had a subscription from issue #1), I have extra respect for women who do well in whatever they do, and I have certainly reaped the benefits of my foremothers. I mean, really – it’s still relevant. Fist in the air!

Mo’ Free Jiu-Jitsu Wallpaper

One of the many things I love about Brazilian jiu-jitsu is the respect for history and lineage – photos of the masters hang prominently on the wall. One of those founders is Mitsuyo Maeda, aka “Conde Koma” (“Count Combat”), the judo master who landed in Brazil in the early 1900’s and took li’l Carlos Gracie as a student.

There are few photos of him but I wanted to draw him, and did my best with those few fuzzy photos and a few questions to my Prof. (“What is he doing with his hands??”) And then, why not more wallpaper? So here you are, another wallpaper option, for when your desktop needs to be more simple and sleek. (Original splashy BJJ wallpaper here.)

1680 x 1050:
