I haven’t seen my natural hair color in many years.

Yesterday Michael gave me a cut and color that he describes as “far out.” It’s got a bunch of different features – shaved here, wisps there, a shock of bangs across my left eye, black and red in patches. I feel like I have a fancy hat on my head. “Fancy” meaning kind of punk/ Bladerunner/ hair-got-caught-in-food-processor – makes me glad I work for an open-minded boss (me).

Me, Michael, foil.


A few years ago, I made temporary tattoos of a devil babe and a devil dude…


and Michael liked the man one so much he had it tattooed for real on his bicep.

Exciting opportunities coming up, where you can SEE MY HAIR!

(1) Saturday, December 2, in the early afternoon I’ll be at 826 Seattle‘s Birthday Party – cool literary organization for kids, in Greenwood, and

(2) in the evening, at the big Grand Opening of Fantagraphics Books’ new retail store, in Georgetown. Then

(3) Saturday, December 16 at 6pm, I’ll be restaging my **I Love Led Zeppelin show** at the Fantagraphics store. Mark your calendar, bring your friends and loved ones.