Bring Fabulous to Me

National gay magazine Pink has a very nice I Love Led Zeppelin review in their fall issue. One Pink headline cracks me up: “Megan Mullally Brings Fabulous to Daytime!” I love that. I want to bring fabulous to things. I bring fabulous to breakfast time! I bring fabulous to car repair!


The review totally wins for best opening line:
“Gay guys be warned: The explicit vaginal imagery in I Love Led Zeppelin may send you running limp-wristed and screaming to the bookstore’s m4m section before you can say, ‘Oh my stars!'”

The first word I ever searched, in 1997, was “bionics”.

Much as I love the web, I also hate the web. I got completely sidetracked today while I was searching for Gertrude Stein references and happened upon… fembots! How did this happen? But get this, I discovered there was a Fembot ACTION DOLL!!, and now I totally want one BAD.

fembot-doll.jpg fembotdollhead.jpg

When I was a kid I was a huge Bionic Woman fan. Huge. This comic ran in Tower Records’ Pulse Magazine, and a revised version is in Monkey Food:


I haven’t seen my natural hair color in many years.

Yesterday Michael gave me a cut and color that he describes as “far out.” It’s got a bunch of different features – shaved here, wisps there, a shock of bangs across my left eye, black and red in patches. I feel like I have a fancy hat on my head. “Fancy” meaning kind of punk/ Bladerunner/ hair-got-caught-in-food-processor – makes me glad I work for an open-minded boss (me).

Me, Michael, foil.


A few years ago, I made temporary tattoos of a devil babe and a devil dude…


and Michael liked the man one so much he had it tattooed for real on his bicep.

Exciting opportunities coming up, where you can SEE MY HAIR!

(1) Saturday, December 2, in the early afternoon I’ll be at 826 Seattle‘s Birthday Party – cool literary organization for kids, in Greenwood, and

(2) in the evening, at the big Grand Opening of Fantagraphics Books’ new retail store, in Georgetown. Then

(3) Saturday, December 16 at 6pm, I’ll be restaging my **I Love Led Zeppelin show** at the Fantagraphics store. Mark your calendar, bring your friends and loved ones.

Give Good Swag

I occasionally do work for IOA, a company in downtown Seattle. It’s a pack of computer geeks and ex-hackers who have honed their craft and sell their expertise to corporations, because who better to protect their sensitive computer systems? My pal Josh cracks the whip there, and he recently told me that at Blackhat 2006, the big annual computer geek/hacker/ex-hacker convention (with seminar names like Advanced Incident Response: Determining Functionality of Captured Unknown Binaries) the swag I designed was really popular — one item in particular, a bandana with their for-the-event pirate logo (get it, “pirate”):

The logo:

Grog (and you rock on there, dude!)

The DJ has an IOA sticker on his shirt, too

Just like a comics convention! Who knew??

I Heart NY

Premature announcement because I’m excited: looks like Megan Kelso and I will be doing a reading at the Strand in the beginning of January. More details later and DON’T say I’m jinxing it!

When I’m in town, I stay at the Edison, right off Times Square. I’m a cheerleader for the Edison, I love it.

I even use an Edison Hotel mouse pad at home (always in this delicate way, of course). Devotion!


Hi, NUM!